Coaching Terms and Conditions

These are the terms and conditions that apply to the coaching programs offered by Tania Davies trading as Mindful Impact Wellness Hub ABN 202 178 549 17 (may also be referred to as ‘Tania, ‘I’, ‘me’, or ‘my’). These terms and conditions are to be read together with any other formal written agreements between us. These documents together form our entire agreement.

These terms and conditions will become binding once you agree to proceed with a program, use a program or make any payment for a program.

1. Coaching packages and programs

1.1 My programs may be delivered online, face to face, via telephone, or a mixture of all three. Unless expressly agreed by myself, coaching is done online via Zoom or another similar program.

1.2 By signing up to an online coaching program, you will get the package of hours in a group coaching online setting as defined in the invoice.

2. Your responsibilities

2.1 You agree:

(a) that it is your responsibility to attend the prescheduled online coaching sessions,

(b) that you are responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing when using my programs and understand that you can choose to discontinue using my programs at any time but that will not entitle you to a refund; and

(k) if you are currently under the care of a mental health professional, you must inform them of your decision to use my programs and check with them if in their opinion, you have the required capacity to participate fully in my programs.

3. Fees and payment

3.1 You agree to pay the fees in full and on time, regardless of whether or not you use or access all components of a coaching program.

3.2 Payment may be made via credit or debit card, processed by Stripe.

4. Refund policy

4.1In accepting one of the limited number of places I have available, you acknowledge I am committing my time and resources to you. For this reason, if you decide to withdraw from my coaching package before the end of its term, I will not offer a refund.

4.2 Refunds are not available for any reason, including but not limited to:

1. inability to attend all coaching sessions within the timeframe specified.

2. inability to attend coaching sessions due to personal matters including illness. All sessions are recorded and will be made available to all participants.

5. Confidentiality

5.1 Where confidential information is disclosed to you during the program, it is done so for your personal or business benefit, and you agree not to disclose that confidential information to any other person or entity.

5.2 These obligations of confidence will cease to apply in relation to information that either party is required to disclose by any law, or which becomes part of the public domain other than as the result of a breach by the disclosing party of its obligations under this agreement.

6. Intellectual Property

6.1 All intellectual property rights in my packages and programs remain my property. Access to any of my courses, classes and coaching does not give you any ownership rights to those program materials or any other program material.

6.2 You are only allowed to use the coaching materials for your own personal use. You must not share, distribute or resell, in part or in full, those materials without my prior written permission. You are prohibited from using my materials to develop your own program or training for sale or giving away to others.

7. Third party services

7.1 If I make any third-party recommendations including but not limited to third party products, programs or services (‘third party services’), it is because to the best of my knowledge, they are quality products or professional service providers. You must complete your own due diligence to protect yourself.

7.2 I will not be liable or responsible for your use of third-party services, or loss or damages you or any other person suffers due to the use of the third-party services.

8. Disclaimer

8.1 My packages and programs aim to provide a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximise personal, professional and business potential. I cannot do the work for you. You agree to take responsibility for your own circumstances and acknowledge that the benefit you receive from my programs will depend on your personal circumstances and the effort you put in.

8.2 You are responsible for your own decisions, choices, actions, and results when implementing my coaching into all areas of your life. You agree that I will not be liable for any action or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services that I have provided. You agree that all decisions and actions are exclusively your responsibility.

9. Limited liability and indemnity

9.1 To the extent permissible under relevant legislation, I will not be liable for any loss or damages including loss of profits, loss of opportunity or damages suffered by any person from following or applying any advice, coaching, ideas or content developed as part of my programs.

9.2 To the fullest extent permitted by law, and without limiting the application of the Australian Consumer Law, you agree that:

(a) my total aggregate liability for any claim(s) by you relating to any program I deliver to you is limited to the amount actually paid by you for that package or program;

(b) if there is any fault in a package or program, my liability will be limited (at my choice) to:

(i) the delivery of that package or program again; or

(ii) refunding part or all of the cost of that package or program.

©Tania Davies 2022