Listen to your intuition

August 10, 20213 min read

Listen to your intuition

listen to your intuition!

Blog Series: Slow Leadership Movement

Do you remember a time when your intuition what telling you one thing, but your head was telling you another?

So, what actually is intuition? Well, it is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for logical or analytical reasoning.

Have you ever felt that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realised you went against your intuition?

Researchers now tell us that when your conscious mind is overactive, you miss the whispers from your intuition that can lead you to better decision making.

I know this to be true! As the Success Slow Coach, I have lost count of many times I have heard clients say that they ‘should’ have listened to their intuition. I get to witness first-hand the emotional, mental, physical and financial consequences of not trusting your gut.

I have found that when we create a physically and psychologically safe place to slow down our lives, we can tune into the message that our intuition holds.

In this day and age, we have been taught to trust in logical analytical thinking more thanour emotive subconscious processing ability. In everyday tasks such a what to eat or wear we are not led by what serves us as an individual anymore, we are subtly dictated to by our logical mind and go with what helps us to fit in or is convenient.

This kind of behaviour is even more concerning when it comes to important decisions like whether to seek help for mental or physical health concerns. We distract or logically talk ourselves out of seeking the help that our intuition tells us we need.

The prime directive of your subconscious mind is to keep you safe, and it has been dropping you hints, via your intuition, since you were born. There are times that we unquestionably trust ourselves enough to listen to our intuition, but then there are times when we let the conscious monkey mind rule.

I am reminded by a time when my youngest daughter was 11 months old, and I noticed she was continually getting agitated after eating food and her stomach would bloat. My instinct, that little voice whispering in my head, told me to get curious and investigate. However, my logical brain wanted to listen to the well-meaning people in my life telling me it was fine and normal for a little one to bloat after eating. On this occasion I was brave enough to trust myself and made the decision to investigate possible food intolerances. My suspicions (and intuition) were right and after confirmation of a serious food intolerance we amended her food intake, and she went back to a far better kind of normal.

I offer this example to show how we can easily miss what is most important in our lives when we are too busy constantly thinking our way through the world. There is a place for intuitive led living, and it starts with slowing down enough to create space for you to hear the whispers of your intuition helping to guide you.

If you want to understand how you can slow down to a more intuitive life, I invite you to contact me. Together we can begin your journey toward achieving more without the busy.

And remember your success is waiting!

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Are you one of those people that keep themselves so busy that there's no time to

stop and think?

What if I was to tell you that this is not productive, and it doesn’t need to be this way?


Are you one of those people that keep themselves so busy that there's no time to

stop and think?

What if I was to tell you that this is not productive, and it doesn’t need to be this way?


Are you one of those people that keep themselves so busy that there's no time to

stop and think?

What if I was to tell you that this is not productive, and it doesn’t need to be this way?


Are you one of those people that keeps themselves so busy that there's no time to

stop and think?

What if I was to tell you that this is not productive, and it doesn’t need to be this way?


Are you one of those people that keep themselves so busy that there's no time to

stop and think?

What if I was to tell you that this is not productive, and it doesn’t need to be this way?


Are you one of those people that keep themselves so busy that there's no time to

stop and think?

What if I was to tell you that this is not productive, and it doesn’t need to be this way?


Are you one of those people that keep themselves so busy that there's no time to

stop and think?

What if I was to tell you that this is not productive, and it doesn’t need to be this way?


Are you one of those people that keeps themselves so busy that there's no time to

stop and think?

What if I was to tell you that this is not productive, and it doesn’t need to be this way?

©Tania Davies 2022